B. Click 4 assistants!

Miss Pin studying at Harvard!


Gautham (assistant) with student working on the reading section of the ACT.


Gautham (assistant) working with student in the English section.


Head assistant Zack and Prof T.



Head assistant Zack with student.


Miss Pin (secretary), Prof M (math specialist), Allyson (senior assistant) and student.


Prof M (math specialist) with Phillip as a student!


Ethan (senior assistant).


Allyson (senior assistant), Phillip (assistant), Yuvraj (assistant), Ethan (senior assistant), Erika(assistant), Haneesha (assistant) and Ohgoo!…Umm?!



Zack ((head assistant) and Prof T.

Allyson, our top tutor for the reading sectionof the ACT, working with Calvin.



“The boys” see Avengers the movie!  What a blast!

U.V. Phillip and Prof Thomas



Ben and Prof T after Saturday training.  Thai food and a discussion about ACT English!

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